British Education

Arabic and Islamic
Education System

Perfect Learning
For Your Child

Fueling Dreams,
Building Champions.


About us

We are passionate about education. Everyone in our organisation – our principals, teachers and support staff – is committed in providing our students with an outstanding learning experience. Our schools are amongst the most respected international schools and we are committed in ensuring that they remain the first choice for parents. We want every child to achieve more than they may have thought possible. This is how our schools make this a reality.

Our Mission


تطوير مجتمع مدرسي متوازن ومشجع



Develop a balanced school community that encourages students to expand their knowledge and skills; and to acquire the Habits of success and academic



مدرسة القادة العالمية بيئةً تعليمية آمنة مرحة مثمرة كل طالب فيها قائداً للسلام والإبتكار في مجتمعنا العالمي.



Leaders international school is a safe, enjoyable and productive learning environment; where each child is a leader of peace and innovation in our global community

Our Vision

Message From The Principal

Dear Parents,
I warmly welcome you to the Website of LEADERS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. I am delighted that you have chosen us as the place to educate your child. LEADERS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL aims to create a supportive and inclusive environment where gifted and talented students are encouraged to explore their potential and achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life. Students will be challenged and engaged through authentic learning opportunities that inspire them to develop creativity, confidence and resilience to become independent and ethical life¬long learners.

School Transport

At Leaders International School in qatar, our priority is the safety of the children in our care and we strive to provide a friendly and caring environment designed to remove any stress and concern; we ensure that your children are safely transported from home to school and back Below, you will find several reasons for you to choose the School Bus Services. If you need to know why taking the school bus is a good Idea, then read on….


All busses are equipped with dedicated mobile phones to ensure they always remain in contact

For Working Parents

They can continue their work day in the comfort that their children are safe

It’s sociable

Riding to school with friends is fun! What’s more, school bus riders have a chance to mix with children of different ages

It’s greener

More children on the bus means fewer cars on the road. This means less traffic and lower emissions.


of recent graduates
started new job


degree programs


years of history


Awards And Accolades

Global Excellence Award 2022 to Mrs Anu Gupta chairperson Leaders Group of Schools

Graduate Programs

At Estudiar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts, and gain real-world experience.

We’re now eleven years into our experiment and incredibly proud of the outcome. We’ve educated over 875 students between 2009-2020 through in-person programs.

Our Courses
KG - 9th

On Going Programs

D e v e l o p m e t T r a i n i n g F o r T e a c h e r s

At Leaders International School Qatar, we prioritize the continuous growth and development of our teachers through comprehensive training programs. Our tailored approach to professional development ensures that educators are equipped with the latest pedagogical techniques, technology integration skills, and cultural competency to excel in the diverse classroom environments we serve. Through workshops, seminars, and ongoing mentorship, we cultivate a dynamic learning community where teachers are empowered to enhance their instructional practices and foster student success.

Scholarship Programs

At Estuidar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills and build a network of industry contacts.

Tuition & Fees

This new plan is designed to reduce the average cost of a Make School Education while preserving the core protections of ISAs – if you don’t have a job after Make School, you should not have to pay until you are employed.

Tuition Costs,

  • Fall 2020 $15,000
  • Spring 2021 $15,000
  • Summer 2021 $10,000
  • Fall 2021 $15,000
  • Spring 2022 $15,000


$ 75,000

Tuition Costs,

  • Fall 2021 $10,000
  • Spring 2021 $10,000
  • Summer 2022 $15,000
  • Fall 2022 $25,000
  • Spring 2023 $25,000


$ 85,000


Our students create a vibrant and inclusive community

The Campus

At Estuidar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts, and gain real-world experience. You’ll have the opportunity to generate innovative design and business solutions.

Sports and Activities

This new plan is designed to reduce the average cost of a Make School Education while preserving the core protections of ISAs – if you don’t have a job after Make School, you should not have to pay until you are employed.

News & Events